Monday, July 16, 2012

India's national symbols

Watch and do the following:
Find names of similar symbols in Hindi for America.

BHAASHIK 2012 - 1

नमस्ते  namaste.

This is Balodyan's first blog entry.
We just concluded Balodyan Hosted Absolutely Awesome Summer Hindi Immersion Kamp ( BHAASHIK ) 2012. 

Objective of the camp was to facilitate Hindi learning through 5 C's -  communication (interpretive, interpersonal and presentational), culture (practices, products and perspective), comparison (between cultures and languages), connections (with other disciplines and language specific viewpoints) and communities (taking learning beyond the classroom and becoming life-long learners).

If you attended the camp let us know if you learnt Hindi in playful ways at BHAASHIK 2012.

भाषिक 2012  में आप का अनुभव कैसा रहा ?